Six Busy Weeks

July 27, 2011
July 27, 2011
by Sean
in Blog

About 2 weeks ago i started working in a new job for an internship, the funny thing it is a really short internship where a normal internship might last anything from 9 months to a year, this one is only for 6 weeks!

I am 2 weeks in and each week has been extremely hectic, from having to get up each day at 6.50am and then being in work in Maynooth for 9am to 5.30pm and then having to make a commute home where depending on which way i come home, it is usually about 7pm before i set foot in my house again.

Trim Castle and Grounds

Image by IanMurphy via Flickr

On top of having work, i still have to have a social life, i can’t just work all the time and not enjoy myself! So i have also been meeting up with friends on my way home from work in Trim on numerous occasions, i have also been to the cinema a few times and even managed to go out last Sunday night, which was probably a bad idea sine i had to get up 4 hours after i got home, but i feel it was worth it all the same!

This internship happened to fall when i was just going on my 2 week holidays from my current job, i was disappointed that i didn’t get to enjoy 2 full weeks off, but then again i have a chance at something bigger so had to jump at it. Now my 2 week holiday is up and this coming weekend i start back working on my job, this time only working weekends and i would simply be unable to make it back during the week to work.

So i will be working flat out over the coming 4 weeks, 7 days a week of work! The only day off between now and when i finish my internship is this coming Monday (Bank Holiday) which i will enjoy as much as possible, most likely consisting of a lot of lazing about the house.

Other than work this week i am still busy as i will be attending a table quiz tomorrow night and then a friend’s birthday on Friday and then going out once more on Sunday as my cousin is leaving to go back to America next week. A busy few weeks all right, but i reckon they are beneficial and will help me broaden i knowledge of IT. I will talk a bit more about what my Internship is about in the coming weeks!


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