automatically distribute your RSS feed

January 14, 2011
January 14, 2011
by Sean
in Blog

A few days ago i decided to set myself up a Facebook page for this blog, you can see it here.

It took me a while to figure out how exactly to make a page on Facebook, never actually made one before. After a while of looking i finally realised that you make one by going onto an existing page and there is a link on the bottom left. Surely there is another way, but this is the first link i found to make one.

Once i got the page created i added in my RSS feed link into the box where it says to so whenever i make a blog post, within an hour it would appear on Facebook automatically. This worked the first time and i thought great thats that sorted, but the next time i made a blog post it seemed to stop automatically going onto Facebook. Facebook

Image representing as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

I kept trying for a while to get the feed back into my Facebook page, but had no luck, i kept telling me that an error has occurred or that there was no RSS feed at the link provided. Although there was because i use it for RSS subscriptions and had already accessed my feed once using that same link!

I looked up the problem on google and found a support page on Facebook where people were reporting the same issue, nobody had an actual way of fixing this and it appears the problem has been around for some amount time and Facebook have simply chosen to ignore it!

Whilst reading through the posts, someone had added a link to a site that would do the same job, but actually work. The site is called , it is really straightforward and you simply sign up, add your RSS feed link and then choose the sites that you want to have updated whenever you make a new blog post.

It really couldn’t be any more simple! Since i already use a plugin to publish my new blog posts automatically to twitter i just decided to use for Facebook, although it supports other sites including Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and FourSquare.

This site also checks for a new blog post every 15 minutes as opposed to Facebook which only checked every hour, so gets your posts to anyone reading on Facebook quicker.

I am really glad i found about this site, saves a lot of hassle and i just thought i would share the site with everyone else just in case you happen to be looking for something like this.


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